By Islam El Shazly
This week we mark the finale of this series of Wednesday Nostalgia, hopefully we accomplished what we set out to do, which is reconnect the people in Egypt with their past and their heritage. Something that was lost to us for far too long, but now since the thick veil of 60 years of tyranny has been lifted, we are free to dig and find that which has been lost, and relish in the memory of our predecessors and build on it.
Not from a small-minded nationalistic point of view but from a much more open-minded willingness to explore. There’s lots that Egypt can offer to the world, and not at the expense of our heritage, the people, or the land.
I will leave you to dwell on these almost ethereal images and think what stories they might share with you, and wish you the best until our next heritage series.
This is the 18th post in the series, here is the link for all the earlier editions: Wednesday Nostalgia.

Egypt: Transportation boat—Zampa SS (1890~1907) Kithira SS (+1918) was sunk by a German U boat U-157 off the Atlantic coast of Morocco in 1918 on her way to Marseilles.
Tags: Aswan, Brooklyn Museum, Cairo, Conservation, Egypty, Featured, Fishermen, Heritage, Nile, Philae, Vegetables, Zampa SS