All posts tagged Brooklyn Museum


By Islam El Shazly

Last week I took creative liberties with the quote about nostalgia, the proper quote is more like this “nostalgia is a seductive liar“, and that is probably down to the fact that as time slips by and we get older, our memory becomes a bit skewed. we are predisposed to readily remember the good and selectively forget the bad. So driving past one’s old stomping grounds one remembers every tree they climbed, every nook they hid in while playing hide-and-seek, and where they played on for hours on their bicycle, while keeping at bay the memories of bad moments, or painful experiences, Read more…


By Islam El Shazly

I have always been told that nostalgia is a seductive mistress, which is very much true, too much dwelling on what has been, and what might have become had it stayed the same, can lead to a lot of misery, frustration, and a bit of stagnation in creativity.

However, it is one of the very few things that we share as humans, and we don’t share much really. Reminiscing about the glory of the past, the architecture and the arts, the culture and the might. There’s a certain romance to it, and that’s not too bad, because if used properly, it can fuel future grand designs in all aspects of life. Read more…