Deserts are some of the most unforgiving habitats on the planet, they are barren wastelands where only the hardiest of creatures can have a hope of surviving. They are harsh and cruel, exceptionally hot during the day, and very cold during the night. During colder periods of the year, temperatures can plummet below freezing come night-time. Distances are another dilemma in the desert, they are dangerously deceptive; objects in the distance seem very close that you can touch them, while in reality they are far enough you could probably perish before reaching them.
All posts tagged Endurance
It took what seemed like forever, but here it is, part 2 of Fire Up Your Endurance. This involoves the Category II exercises for another 9 weeks; they are significantly harder and they do push your body to its limits. If you persevere, however, the rewards are enormous.
As with part 1, I have edited some sections of the text so it is not heavily military-centric, the workouts themselves have been left as is for maximum benefit. The great thing about them, is that they can almost be done anywhere, which is particularly the point if you are travelling or on vacation… No excuses! Read more…
Back in 2004 a friend of mine forwarded a link to me for a progressive two category workout routine that he had found on the Navy SEALs’ website, unfortunately it’s no longer available on their site… I checked.
It’s all about building endurance; however, getting muscular, stronger, and faster, are great by-products of following the programme as close as possible, to the best of your abilities. Bear in mind that it was designed for those in their late teens to early twenties (the age most likely to apply and be accepted for SEAL training), anyone wanting to raise their levels of endurance and fitness to the maximum would definitely benefit from its intensity and variety. Read more…